Longview Transit is committed to a regional coordination of transit services. You may be interested in knowing more about our partners in getting you where you need to go:

Calculate How Much You Can Save

This calculator will help you compare the price of using public transportation with the price of paying at the pump and then parking your car in town. This calculator has been set with default values based on national averages for April, 2009; however, you may set variables such as the price of gas and the length of the round trip to match the price of gas in your area and the length of your round trip.

The leading force in advancing public transportation.

Longview Transit is very closely associated with the City of Longview. Longview Transit's efforts and priorities go hand-in-hand with those of the city.

The East Texas Council of Governments (ETCOG) provides rural public transportation services for numerous counties in East Texas. For more information on their services call 800-590-3371.

EasTexConnects is a committee whose purpose is to improve the quality of life in East Texas through transportation choices.  The mission is to create and connect a comprehensive, flexible, and sustainable public transportation system.

Tyler Transit provides urban (city) public transportation services in the Tyler (TX) area. For more information on their services call 903-533-8057.

The Longview Transit offices are located just across the street from the Longview Amtrak station (908 Pacific Avenue). The Amtrak Texas Eagle provides rail transportation service between major cities.

Greyhound provides bus transportation service between major cities. The local Greyhound station is located at 908 E Pacific Ave #100, Longview, TX 75602. For more information on their services call 903-757-7203.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), Public Transportation Division (PTN) provides financial, technical and coordination assistance to the state's public transit providers. The division also represents public transit in the planning and programming process and prepares funding-needs projections.

The Texas Transit Association (TTA) is organized to promote public transportation in all its modes of transportation, conduct research, and to provide development opportunities for persons involved in the public transportation industry.